7th month?
I seemed to be on a cursed streak recently… after the dreadful twisted ankle, I made a comeback last week after 3 weeks of good rest. But things are not that good. Got a bruised left shine during last week’s game and got a stained thigh muscle from yest’s game. However, although I did not score any, we managed to win 5-1. It’s been a while since such score line happens… whatever.
Had a go at bowling again on Saturday. Actually, it’s only me 4th try. Now I realized the point to good bowling. Drink while you bowl. We had a whale of time. I even managed an average of 130 points (I know lah, nothing great), considering it’s my 4th attempt. Ok, I must admit that bowling is fun when you have beer to go along (we had 8 jugs in total and left the bowling alley tipsy!! haha). Once you get tipsy, everything u see on tele seems easy. I even managed to do a right hook spin (I think). Ha!
After bowling, we dine and wine like it’s last meal. Total bill came up to near 700 for 6 of us. Me no big eater. It’s just that the other 5 guys are germans… hence, finishing most to the food…damn…
Note to self: DON’T EVER go dinner with these guai loh again… think they got something to do with the 7th month hungry ghost… nabei waste $…
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